This post is part of an ongoing project called The Wedge. To read more, click here.
Current tally: Squatting 185, up to module 3 on Cybrary and writing now!
One of the goals I had set for myself was to finally obtain a credential I've long since studied for. Admittedly, I've really only dipped into the SEC+ material via a textbook that has sat beside my office desk for about two years. Even then, it's only be cursory glances. Hence, my goal of passing the test before September 1.
Added onto that, I've booked my tickets to goto DEFCON for the first time!
Since roughly ten years ago, I've been keeping up with DEFCON talks via YouTube uploads. I'm positively thrilled to be headed to Las Vegas as part of a personal / work trip in August of this year to attend the Blue Team Village and the rest of what the hostile-networked security conference has to offer.
Particularly, I'm interested to learn what other white-hats are doing to defend networks at the SMB level beyond just deploying AV and hoping for the best.
I'll be stopping by the physical security area, too, to see what this lockpicking is all about.
I read on via Reddit today that there was a massive power outage affecting tens of millions in South America – my mind went directly to some sort of offensive cyber security attacker – but that's probably just too much of my recently found fiction seeping through.
Not much more to report on the Wedge this week – still squatting heavy and staying on point.