For an activity I’m sure to despise later in life, I’m excited to take on the next month of training in preparation for the GoRuck event being held on Canada Day in Toronto. It should be different, difficult and revealing.
I signed up for GoRuck much before I finally made the decision to apply to the armed forces. Now, only a week or so away from my interview and aptitude test, I’m starting to really ramp up my training in preparation for both. I’ve gotten my distance running up to 20k and have been rucking after lengthy Jiu Jitsu sessions to prepare for the long night ahead.
I’m looking forward to GoRuck for two reasons; to test my physical endurance and to get another perspective on an event that focuses on team building and fitness.
I’ve been playing with an idea for quite some time. Summed up, I believe that men – and more particularly, men from the ‘millennial’ age ranges – are lacking the opportunities to experience a couple core facets of development in becoming a man. Adventure, struggle and sacrifice are parts of our lives that just can’t be met in a cubicle. I’ve been toying with the best way to allow some of my thoughts on those matters manifest themselves. I’ve started a longer writing project, but it doesn’t seem to be the answer.
I’m thinking maybe, a platform in the real-world might be the ticket. More to mull over while cursing and huffing on my next long distance run, I suppose.
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