We’re here!
August has finally arrived and just in time, too. Last night, after disgracing the efforts I’ve been making to maintain my weight at a fighting-fit 170lbs, I scarfed down basically a million baby cookies – my weakness.
I’d said in a post on Facebook recently that for the month of August, I was going to write every single day. Following a marathon of vlog-watching, where I really only follow one vlogger by the name of Robby (his channel here), I became inspired by the tenacity he approaches creativity with. He produces a vlog every day because he loves it. While I wish I had the inspiration to work a camera the way he does, I do feel the same way about writing.
I’ve engaged in discipline challenges before. I’ve done them labelled and branded or in secret, testing myself against the odds. The last one I tried was the Kaizen Challenge. It went pretty well, actually. The way it’s structured played really well into my mindset – just keep going forward. When it comes to self-discipline, I’m no stranger to the yo-yo effect it can have on our moods and moreso, on our progress.
When I said that this challenge couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve hit what a lot of people would call a ‘plateau’ in my day-to-day workout regimen. From what I understand, that just means I have to be more thorough in plotting out my meals in MFP and work harder when I’m pounding the pavement. I know this, as I know late-night snacking doesn’t do myself any good. I just, for some reason, allow the excuses to win. It’s a struggle that millions upon millions of people share, I’m sure, but it’s real, and I’m looking forward to getting back on my ‘A game’.
And so, the first of the month ahead of me by a few hours, I’ll start with this – I’m going to write a blog post as often as I have an idea for a blog post. What I don’t want to do with any creative project is force the flame – if I’ve got an idea, you’ll see it documented here. First on the docket, as far as I can see, is an exploration of an idea – Tango November – an idea I’ve had for quite some time.
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